Funding Application Form

Funding Enquiry Form

Your Details


Please note : The Trust funds Bible translation, projects undertaken by Wycliffe  Bible Translators, Christian ministry of organisations working in Eastern Europe, Christian Trusts involved in assisting missionaries on furlough, Christian Trusts and organisations helping retired missionaries and Christian organisations engaged in spreading the Gospel through education, literature, music, church planting and the media.

Once your initial enquiry has been reviewed, the Trust Administrator will contact you with regard to submitting a full application.

Charity / Organisation Details

Project Details

Below each field you will find a description of the type of information we are looking for.

Provide a descriptive title for your project.

Summarise your project, in no more than 200 words, including its objectives and significance. Explain why it's important and how it addresses a specific need or problem in your community.

© Copyright  2025 The Stuart Hine Trust CIO | Registered Charity Number 1168500